On Wednesday, 30 July 2014 at 15:12:58 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
On 7/30/14, 11:44 AM, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"Ary Borenszweig" wrote in message news:lravtd$2siq$1...@digitalmars.com...

Now, if you compile in release mode, according to Walter, all the "asserts" are gone (which, as a side note, is something I don't like: in every case it should throw an AssertError). So the question is: can the compiler still replace that writeln call? It should, but since there's nothing there preventing x + y to be different than 3 (the
assertion is gone), the compiler can't replace it anymore.

That's the whole point - the compiler theoretically can optimize as if
the assert is checked.

(This example uses assert(0) because this behaviour is actually in the

if (x != 3) assert(0);
if (x == 3) deleteAllMyFiles();

The compiler is allowed to treat assert(0) as unreachable - and if it's
unreachable then it must be impossible for x to be != 3.

So it becomes:


He's asking for assert to mean 'check this condition' and assume to mean
'optimize as if this is a mathematical identity'.

And how is that different if instead of:

if (x != 3) assert(0);

you write:

assume(x != 3);


assert(0) is treated as a special case, different from assert(someRuntimeExpression)

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