Am 31.07.2014 23:21, schrieb Sean Kelly:
On Thursday, 31 July 2014 at 06:57:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 7/30/2014 3:39 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d wrote:
My take is that, for this reason, these should be asserts and not
enforce() statements.  What are your thoughts on the matter?

An excellent question.

First, note that enforce() returns a recoverable exception, and
assert() a non-recoverable error.

Logically, this means that enforce() is for scrubbing input, and
assert() is for detecting program bugs. I'm pretty brutal in asserting
(!) that program bugs are fatal, non-recoverable errors. I've been
fighting this battle for decades, i.e. repeated proposals by
well-meaning programmers who believe their programs can safely recover
from an unknown, invalid state.

It may be worth drawing a distinction between serial programs
(ie. a typical desktop app) and parallel programs (ie. server
code).  For example, in a server program, a logic error caused by
one particular type of request often doesn't invalidate the state
of the entire process.  More often, it just prevents further
processing of that one request.  Much like how an error in one
thread of a multithreaded program with no shared data does not
corrupt the state of the entire system.

In short, what one terms a "process" is really somewhat fluid.
What is the distinction between a multi-threaded application
without sharing and multiple instances of the same process all
running individually?  In Erlang, a "process" is really just a
thread being run by the VM, and each process is effectively a
class instance.  All errors are fatal, but they're only fatal for
that one logical process.  It doesn't take down the whole VM.

Now in a language like D that allows direct memory access, one
could argue that any logic error may theoretically corrupt the
entire program, and I presume this is where you stand.  But more
often in my experience, some artifact of the input data or
environmental factors end up pushing execution through a path
that wasn't adequately tested, and results in a fully recoverable
error (initiated by bad program logic) so long as the error is
detected in a timely manner.  These are issues I want caught and
signaled in the most visible manner possible so the logic error
can be fixed, but I don't always want to immediately halt the
entire process and terminate potentially thousands of entirely
correct in-progress transactions.

Perhaps these are all issues that should be marked by enforce
throwing a ProgramLogicException rather than assert with an an
AssertError, but at that point it's almost bikeshedding.

I agree.
Also: During development I'd be fine with this terminating the program (ideally dumping the core) so the error is immediately noticed, but in release mod I'm not, so a construct that halts in debug mode and throws an exception or maybe just returns false (or one construct for each of the cases) in release mode would be helpful.


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