Sorry to hijack the thread, but:

On 07/31/2014 09:27 PM, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:

If you're brave and want to have some fun, fill up your hard disk so
it is nearly full. Now run your favorite programs that read and write
files. Sit back and watch the crazy results (far too many programs
assume that writes succeed). Operating systems also behave
erratically in this scenario, hence the 'brave' suggestion.

If anyone is interested in simulating I/O errors and nearly-full file system on 
I can suggest the following scripts:

The scripts create two ext3 images which can be mounted, and simulate I/O 
One simulate file system with corrupted files (so "open" and the first "read" will 
succeed, but later "read" will fail with EIO),
and the other simulate a tiny filesystem, so that the first few "writes" will succeed, but 
"write" of >40KB will fail with ENOSPC.

The scripts themselves don't require root, but you'll need root to mount the 

As Walter said, it's alarming how many programs fail to handle such cases 
(though D is pretty solid in that regard).

Hope this helps,
 - Assaf

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