On Friday, 1 August 2014 at 19:10:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 8/1/2014 6:12 AM, Dicebot wrote:
ok, can this be considered a good summary of using assertions/contracts for services where risk of entering undefined state is unacceptable?

1) never use `assert` or contracts in actual application code, use `enforce`
2) never use `enforce` in library code unless it does actual I/O, use contracts
3) always distribute both release and debug builds of libraries and always run
tests in both debug and release mode

Does it make sense? Your actual recommendation contradict each other but it is
best what I was able to combine them into.

What makes me hesitate about use of enforce() is its high runtime cost. It's not just the computation, but the call stack above it is affected by enforce() being throwable and allocating via the GC.

`enforce` does have overload which allows to use pre-allocated exception instance. Or, alternatively, we may need a similar helper wich does `if (!condition) abort()` with no interaction with -release or optimizer.

Whatever is chosen it does seem that contracts can't be used in application code because it is too affected by user input and is too likely to expose hidden bugs in production.

Secondly, enforce() is about recoverable errors. Program bugs are simply NOT recoverable errors, and I cannot recommend using them for that purpose. I've argued for decades with people who insist that they can write code that recovers from unknown programming bugs.

1) one can always `enforce` with a pre-allocated Error, will druntime handle that as expected?

2) There is certain class of applications where even programming bugs can (and must be) considered recoverable. Network services that don't yet have full scale high availability infrastructure (and thus can't afford downtime of restarting the app) are quite likely to only terminate connection fibers when programming bug is found - it does not affect serving any other connections. It may be fundamentally wrong but is is pragmatical working approach.

These questions are not theoretical - we regularly have discussion about how contracts may / should be used at work with no clear understanding / agreement so far. I am interested in simple set of guidelines that won't turn writing every single function in a guessing game (does a contract fit here?)

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