On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:11:14 -0400, Nick Sabalausky <a...@a.a> wrote:

"Lutger" <lutger.blijdest...@gmail.com> wrote in message

- how the distro deals with patented and closed source software. (mp3,
flash, video drivers, etc)

That's a good point. Ubuntu doesn't have mp3, dvd, and (I think) flash
out-of-the-box, and I found them to be a royal pain in the ass to get
working. I've heared of "SuperOS" that is apperently just Ubuntu
pre-packaged with all that stuff and some other things people have found to be surprisingly missing from a default Ubuntu. I haven't actually tried it

I had the same experience with Fedora as well.

What I've found is that there is a site called rpmfusion which supplies rpms for software that Fedora won't touch. All you have to do is point your OS' update urls at rpmfusion and you get all those capabilities through the standard yum update tools. They separate them into two categories -- nonfree and free (nonfree and free corresponding to licenses, not cost).

There's probably an equivalent Ubuntu site, but I haven't used Ubuntu yet, so I'm not sure.


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