On Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 16:36:09 UTC, David Bregman wrote:
Right. So if X is false, the axiom we declare is !P, not "false" or "a fallacy".

But Pn is always true where you assume…?

False => X is true for any X, so the axiom we declare is just a tautology.

I don't follow. If any assumption is false then anything goes…

So is the control flow definition / unreachability argument clear now?


> assume(input!=0) is ok… it does not say unreachable.
> It says, postconditions are not required to hold for > input==0…

And… assume(false) is a precondition that says that you don't have to care about the postconditions at all… Basically, "assume anything"…

I don't get this part, maybe you can reword it if I haven't already answered the question.

r = calc()
assert(specification_test(r)) //required to hold for any situation

//r can be anything

// input!=0
assume(input!=0) // true
assert(specification(input)==r) // required to hold for input!=0

assume(input!=0)  // false
assert(specification(input)==r) // may or may not hold

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