On Sat, Aug 09, 2014 at 05:08:09AM +0000, Mike via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I'm exploring a technique in D that may help provide an alternate solution
> to issue 11666 - Separate each platform's port to its own folder [1].
> The idea is to have the same module declaration in multiple files, but
> guarded by `version`.
> // port_linux.d
> version (linux):
> module port;
> // port_windows.d
> version (Windows):
> module port;
> Unfortunately, this fails to compile with the following error:
>  Error: Declaration expected, not 'module'

What about this:

        // port.d
        module port;
                public import port_linux;
                public import port_windows;

        // port_linux.d
        ... // Linux implementation here

        // port_windows.d
        ... // Windows implementation here



LINUX = Lousy Interface for Nefarious Unix Xenophobes.

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