On Friday, 22 August 2014 at 13:53:04 UTC, MacAsm wrote:
To call decode() from std.encoding I need to make sure it is an UTF (may ne ASCII too) otherwise is will skyp over ASCII values. Is there any D native for it or I need to check byte order mark and write one myself?

This may be simpler for reference:


Note that you _can't_ reliably differentiate between UTF-8 and plain ASCII,
because not all UTF-8 files start with a UTF-8 BOM.

However, you can (relatively) quickly determine if a UTF-8/ASCII buffer contains only ASCII characters; as UTF-8 bytes always have the topmost bit set, and ASCII don't, you can use a 64-bit bitmask and check by 8 characters at a time.

See https://github.com/kiith-sa/D-YAML/blob/master/source/dyaml/reader.d,

specifically the countASCII() function - it should be easy to change it into 'detectNonASCII':

/// Counts the number of ASCII characters in buffer until the first UTF-8 sequence.
/// Used to determine how many characters we can process without decoding. size_t countASCII(const(char)[] buffer) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
    size_t count = 0;
    // The topmost bit in ASCII characters is always 0
    enum ulong Mask8 = 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f;
    enum uint Mask4 = 0x7f7f7f7f;
    enum ushort Mask2 = 0x7f7f;
    // Start by checking in 8-byte chunks.
    while(buffer.length >= Mask8.sizeof)
        const block = *cast(typeof(Mask8)*)buffer.ptr;
        const masked = Mask8 & block;
        if(masked != block) { break; }
        count += Mask8.sizeof;
        buffer = buffer[Mask8.sizeof .. $];
    // If 8 bytes didn't match, try 4, 2 bytes.
    import std.typetuple;
    foreach(Mask; TypeTuple!(Mask4, Mask2))
        if(buffer.length < Mask.sizeof) { continue; }
        const block = *cast(typeof(Mask)*)buffer.ptr;
        const masked = Mask & block;
        if(masked != block) { continue; }
        count += Mask.sizeof;
        buffer = buffer[Mask.sizeof .. $];
    // If even a 2-byte chunk didn't match, test just one byte.
    if(buffer.empty || buffer[0] >= 0x80) { return count; }
    return count;

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