On 2014-08-22 00:35, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Following up on the recent "std.jgrandson" thread [1], I've picked up
the work (a lot earlier than anticipated) and finished a first version
of a loose blend of said std.jgrandson, vibe.data.json and some changes
that I had planned for vibe.data.json for a while. I'm quite pleased by
the results so far, although without a serialization framework it still
misses a very important building block.

Code: https://github.com/s-ludwig/std_data_json
Docs: http://s-ludwig.github.io/std_data_json/
DUB: http://code.dlang.org/packages/std_data_json

* Opening braces should be put on their own line to follow Phobos style guides

* I'm wondering about the assert in lexer.d, line 160. What happens if two invalid tokens after each other occur?

* I think we have talked about this before, when reviewing D lexers. I'm thinking of how to handle invalid data. Is it the best solution to throw an exception? Would it be possible to return an error token and have the client decide what to do about? Shouldn't it be possible to build a JSON validator on this?

* The lexer seems to always convert JSON types to their native D types, is that wise to do? That's unnecessary if you're implementing syntax highlighting

/Jacob Carlborg

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