On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 14:45:09 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 8/11/14, 2:11 AM, "Nordlöw" wrote:
On Monday, 11 August 2014 at 06:56:52 UTC, Dragos Carp wrote:
bool sliceOf(T)(in T[] whole, in T[] slice)
   return whole.ptr <= slice.ptr &&
       whole.ptr + slice.length <= whole.ptr + slice.length;

Shouldn't the function arguments of sliceOf be reversed to given a more
intuitive UCFS as

    if (slice.sliceOf(whole) { ... }

isSliceOf -> yum

While "sameHead" and "sameTail" *could* have a "good enough" generic implementation for ranges, there is absolutely no way to make "isSliceOf" or "overlap" work for a generic range.

That said, sameHead and sameTail is just the iterator equivalent of "first1 == first2" and "last1 == last2", which is used a lot with iterators. You rarely see operator "<" used with iterators though, so I have doubts about why those two functions (isSliceOf and overlap) would actually be of any use.

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