On Saturday, 23 August 2014 at 20:23:37 UTC, nan0a wrote:
On Saturday, 23 August 2014 at 18:29:43 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:


I posted in the thread (under the same name as here) and regularly discuss D in /r/programming. I really enjoy trying out new languages and I think D is excellent - I was up and running in it in just a few days. TDP+Ali's book are great references. One of the things I like the best about D is the community, it's very lively. I have a few complaints about the language because nothing is perfect(e.g, attribute puke), but overall I find the language extremely usable.

Rust was mentioned a few times in the thread -- I've been using Rust for a while too(which I see constantly mentioned anytime D is) and I'm always tripping over my own feet trying to understand the memory/type system, lifetimes, etc. I'm not even going to claim that I'm a good programmer, but I'm not sure how I feel about Rust being widely adopted outside of extremely memory-safe applications(e.g, Mozilla's Servo.) The obvious ML/functional inspiration is also going to be a stumbling block for C/C++/Java/etc programmers IMO, I've done some hobby work with Haskell so I wasn't exactly fish out of water but I could understand why some may be.

Keep up the great work on D.

I sometimes have the feeling that because the D community discusses every tiny feature or change elaborately (and rightly so), people coming from the outside have the impression that it's a half-baked (and thus unreliable) thing. Other languages often just "cover up" the discussions, or in the case of Go, decisions are presented post factum (with a lot of hype and "Hurra!" around them), which gives the impression of a clean and tight (and thus reliable) project. The changes to D (especially new killer features, improved libraries and the like) are often not communicated to the general public (as in "This is new, and this is how you use it"). So people from the outside have the impression that it's a bit of a mess and they are ignorant as regards features and improvements. Maybe that's part of the "anti D" attitude often encountered.

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