Am Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:06:42 +0000
schrieb "Robert burner Schadek" <>:

> > ====================================
> > Francesco Cattoglio
> > ====================================
> >
> > "As far as I undestood, there's no way right now to do logging
> > without using the GC. And that means it is currently impossible
> > to log inside destructor calls. That is a blocker in my book."
> >
> > First part partially addressed - missing @nogc @nothrow logger 
> > implementation out of the box. […]
> at least for logf nothrow will not work because of a wrong 
> formatting string or args. log can not be nothrow because custom 
> toString for structs and class are allowed.
> nogc is not possible because of custom toString
> that won't fix, but for default types it is nogc.

It is fairly obvious that the next GC implementation needs to
allow allocations during a sweep. Maybe we should just assume
that it already works ?


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