On Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 10:23:56 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 11/09/2014 10:05 p.m., Chris wrote:
On Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 09:37:04 UTC, ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, 11 Sep 2014 09:29:41 +0000
Chris via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

he has
she has. ;-)

Japers, I wasn't sure, if it was he or she and just gambled on a 50%
chance :) My apologies.

PS and OT I hope Higgs will become a long term project. Imagine, you could combine Higgs and vibe.d. You could write your own D extensions for server side JS. In this way you could have projects where anyone who knows JS could contribute (good bye PHP), no need to know D. I have a test version of a LuaD + Lua Server Pages + vibe.d server. Works very well. JS is even more wide spread than Lua (albeit inferior as a language).

*starts drooling at the idea of using Jade for Cmsed*
Would seriously fix so many problems with templates.

Any chance I could get a copy of your test for LuaD + Lua Server Pages?
I may want to investigate that angle as well.

Of course. Once I have a "clean" version. The first test version is full of embarrassing hit-and-miss code, commented blocks etc.

But you could probably glue one together yourself.

1. get Open Luasp http://www.luasp.org/
2. get LuaD
3. create a vibe.d project (a normal default project will do, for testing at least)
4. link your project to libluad and liblualsp (or lualsp.so)

In you vibe.d code route to your lua handling function

shared static this() {
  router.any("*", &luaTest);

void luaTest(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
  // do your lualsp / LuaD thing

Then you have basically a few options. Use Lua code as in



in (Lua)D:




or (what I do), call the functions provided by lualsp directly

extern (C) int luaopen_lualsp(lua_State *L);
extern (C) int luaL_do_lsp_file(lua_State* L,const char* filename);

Or a combination of the above.

Just have a look at the various methods provided by both LuaD and lualsp.

Note: lualsp writes to stdout, make sure you use


to grab the output. Not the one provided in Phobos' std.stdio

Excerpt from dub.json

"libs": [

Make sure you use Lua 5.1. LuaD (afsaik) only supports 5.1 as of now.

It works like PHP (echo, print etc). I put this together in order to avoid PHP in the future. Lua is a sound language and you can expect developers to be familiar with it.

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