On Thu, 03 Sep 2009 02:36:12 -0400, Rainer Deyke <rain...@eldwood.com> wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Rainer Deyke wrote:
You need some syntactic way to distinguish the contained value from the
container. Using "alias this" seems messy here. Optional!Optional!T is
both valid and likely to occur.

Interesting. I wonder whether it's better to fold Optional!(Optional!T)
into Optional!T.

That would be semantically incorrect.  Optional!T must be able to hold
all possible values of T, plus a distinct null value.


  Optional!int upper_limit;

  Optional!(Optional!int) config_limit = config_file.get("upper_limit");
  if (isNull(config_limit)) {
    upper_limit = default_upper_limit;
  } else {
    upper_limit = config_limit; // Could be null.

Then consider that this could be in a template function, with
Optional!int supplied as a template argument.

How does one distinguish an Optional!(Optional!int) that is null from an Optional!(Optional!int) whose Optional!int is null? If there's no way to test for it, then they are not conceivably different.

I think Andrei is right here, for any type T that already is nullable (including pointer and reference types), Optional!T should alias to T.


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