On Wednesday, 17 September 2014 at 06:59:40 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:


If the upload conditions and site are sufficiently good I am willing to offer some implementations in D and to keep them updated. I suggest to add two D versions for some benchmarks, one that shows short high level code, and one that shows longer hairier fast code.

In some cases I'd even like to show a third "safe" version (that tries to be more correct), but most Shootout/ComputerGame benchmarks are not very fit for this (you can see some examples of this on Rosettacode).

This is what I intend to do (time permitting)

* Direct translation from the C++ version.
* High-level version using standard library, particularly ranges
(this should be @safe!)
* Low-level hand optimized using core.simd (when applicable).
* CTFE version! (I imagine this will choke on most benchmarks

Of course, I'll test across dmd, gdc, and ldc2.

Aside from being PR to show the speed of D, hopefully these
benchmarks will serve as test beds for potential optimizations.

If anyone already has translations of the benchmark programs then
please send them to me (or just reply to the bug with an

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