On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 04:59:12 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
Am 21.09.2014 04:50, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
On 9/20/14, 7:10 PM, bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:

Rust looked a lot more exciting when I didn't know much about it.

I didn't remember ever seeing you excited about Rust :-) In past you (rightfully) didn't comment much about Rust. But do you have more defined ideas about it now? Do you still think D has a chance against

I don't think Rust has a chance against D. -- Andrei

The real question is which language, from all that want to replace C++, will eventually get a place at an OS vendors SDK.

So far, the winning ones seem to be Swift on Apple side, and .NET Native-C++/CLX on Microsoft side (who knows what are they doing with M#).

Maybe someone in the commercial UNIX (FOSS is too bound with C), real time or embedded OS space?


Interop, interop, interop. Walter and Andrei are right when they talk about the importance of C++ interop - not only do you get to leverage those libraries, but it reduces the barrier to entry for D in more environments.

Swift will never be more important than Objective C was - which is to say it'll be the main development language on Apple products and probably nothing else. That has real value, but the limits on it are pretty hard and fast (which says more about Apple than the language itself.)

.NET suffers a similar problem in spite of the community's best efforts with Mono - it'll always be a distant 2nd (or 5th or 20th) on other platforms. And on Windows, C++ won't get supplanted by .NET absent a sea-change in the mindset of the Windows OS group - which is notoriously resistant to change (and they have a colossal existing code base which isn't likely to benefit from the kind of inflection point Apple had moving to a BSD and porting/rewriting scads of code.)

So C/C++ is it for universal languages, really (outside of the web server space, where you have a large Java deployment.) I don't think D needs to be the next .NET (of any flavor) or the next Swift, and I don't see as it is being positioned that way either - the target to me is clearly C/C++. It doesn't need to compete with languages that have lesser universality, though it should (and does) borrow the good ideas from those languages.

I don't think D needs to look at *replacing* C++ in the near or mid term either - it still needs to convince people it deserves a place at the table. And the easiest way to do that is to get this C++ interop story really nailed down, and make sure D's warts are smaller than C++'s. And, of course, the GC strawman that native programmers always claim is more important than it really is. I like the threads going on currently about ARC and related technologies - there's a real chance to innovate here.

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