On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 09:39:29 UTC, Don wrote:
My feeling is that almost every time when you want to create a new type from an existing one, you actually want to restrict the operations which can be performed on it. (Eg if you have typedef money = double; then money*money doesn't make much sense). For most typedefs I think you're better off with 'alias this'.

`alias this` doesn't restrict what operations can be performed on the supertype.

struct Money
        this(double d)
                amount = d;
        double amount;
        alias amount this;

void main()
        //This doesn't compile without a constructor defined
        //that takes a double... I thought alias this took
        //care of that, but apparently not
        Money m = 2.0;
        Money n = m * m;
        assert(n == 4.0);

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