On 09/22/2014 10:27 PM, deadalnix wrote:
On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 09:17:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It is depth first. It starts at the innermost scope, which is the
current scope. Somehow, we don't seem to be talking the same language :-(

Depth first in the sense, go from the inner to the outer scope and look
for local symbols. If that fails, go from the inner to the outer and
look for imported symbols.

That sounds almost right, but it still suffers from hijacking issues, because more nested (non-explicitly!) imported identifiers would hide less nested ones.

What about:

Go from nested to outer scopes and look for local symbols. If that fails, look up the symbol simultaneously in all modules that are imported in scopes enclosing the lookup.

I currently think this would be the most sane behaviour for imports. It would need to be determined what to do about template mixins.

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