On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 05:44:15 UTC, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:59:53 -0700
Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

I understand quite thoroughly why c++ support is a big win
i believe it's not.

so-called "enterprise" will not choose D for many reasons, and "c++
interop" is on the bottom of the list.

seasoned c++ developer will not migrate to D for many reasons (or he already did that, but then he is not c++ developer anymore), and "c++
interop" is not on the top of the list, not even near the top.

all that gory efforts aimed to "c++ interop" will bring three and a half more users. there will be NO massive migration due to "better c++ interop". yet this feature is on the top of the list now. i'm sad.

seems that i (we?) have no choice except to wait until people will get enough of c++ games and will became focused on D again. porting and merging CDGC is much better target which help people already using D,
but... but imaginary "future adopters" seems to be the highest
priority. too bad that they will never arrive.

Why does anyone have to *wait* for anything? I'm not seeing the blocking issues regarding attempts to fix the language. People are making PRs, people are discussing and testing ideas, and there appear to be enough people to tackle several problems at once (typedefs, C++ interop, GC/RC issues, weirdness with ref and auto, import symbol shadowing, etc.) Maybe things aren't moving as swiftly as we would like in the areas which are most impactful *to us* but that is the nature of free software. Has it ever been any other way than that the things which get the most attention are the things which the individual contributors are the most passionate about (whether their passion is justified or not?)

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