On 9/6/09 15:12, Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2009-09-06 08:32:43 -0400, Christopher Wright <dhase...@gmail.com> said:

Off topic, but this would be a good place for user-defined attributes.
Then you could write something like:

@IBAction void openWindow(Object sender) {}

Indeed... although IBAction isn't so bad as a mixin, it gets much worse
with ObjcMethod where it is necessary to list all the argument types to
allow resolving overloaded functions:

void doOneAndTwo(int i, int j) {}

mixin ObjcMethod(void, doOneAndTwo, "doOne:andTwo:", int, int);

That is actually not necessary. It would be sufficient with a template taking an alias to the method (most of the times). Then you can build a selector string out of the method name and the parameter names. To get the types of the method you can use traits templates/functions available both in phobos and tango. You would probably also need a template taking an alias and a selector string when the above doesn't work.

This would work best with new methods when you can control the method and parameter names and not with existing methods.

Compare to what could be done with a parametrized attribute:

@ObjcMethod("doOne:andTwo:") void doOneAndTwo(int i, int j);

That'd would be a lot more convenient, especially with interfaces for
which none of the mixin above can work (they insert some static struct
member to store the "attributes").

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