On 29/09/14 12:00, Szymon Gatner wrote:

recently there is much talk about extending C++ interop in D but it is
unclear to me what that means. Functions and virtual class methods are
already callable. What else is planned in the near future? Exceptions?
Support for C++ templates? (that seems difficult no?).

Using templates are already supported. Note, they need to instantiated on the C++ side.

Is VS support planned (I think I saw Andrei only asking about GCC
support for exceptions/stack unwining)? Atm it does not really work
(even building x64 exe with D lib linked).

 From the PoV of small game developer relying its livelihood on C++ I
must say that this is great thing. If I had better support for 2 things
now: C++ interop so we could just start writing new code in D and
ARM/iOS then we would just move immediately.

Don't know if this is what you're looking for but this pull request [1] adds support for extern(Objective-C).

[1] https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/3987

/Jacob Carlborg

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