Otherwise if you like D, then try to
improve it from the inside, writing dmd/Phobos/druntime pull requests,
instead of doing it from the outside.

I'd never have my PR's pulled.

I'm also not as interested in language development as it might appear. I'm interested in writing code and getting work done, and minimising
I'm interested in more efficient ways to get my work done, and also opportunities to write more efficient code, but that doesn't mean I
want to stop doing my work and instead work on HOW I do my work.

I find myself in a very awkward situation where I'm too far
in... I can't go back to C++,

Have you taken a look at Rust?

Yeah, it's just too weird for me to find realistic. It also more
rigidly asserts it's opinions on you, which are in many cases, not optimal. Rust typically shows a performance disadvantage, which I care
Perhaps more importantly, for practical reasons, I can't ever imagine convincing a studio of hundreds of programmers to switch to rust. C++ programmers can learn D by osmosis, but staff retraining burden to
move to Rust seems completely unrealistic to me.

You're a vital alternative voice, please try to stick with us. The interest your talk and presence generated for D was huge and the games industry should be a major target for D. I also suspect Andrei is doing a major project at the moment which is making him uncharacteristically harsh in his responses, from his POV he's doing something massive to help D while the community has gone into a negative mode.

I'm surprised at the lack of importance insufficient control over ref seems to be given, though my understanding is pretty basic. It feels a little similar to inlining.

It might be an effective argument to give bearophile some of the problematic code and see what his idiomatic D version looks like and if what you're after is elegantly achievable. Clunky code would seem like a stronger argument at this point after many words have been exchanged. I think people are not really aware of the issues and if they believe the things are truly achievable with the language as it stands they can demonstrate it, with benchmarks etc.

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