Am Wed, 01 Oct 2014 15:05:53 +0000
schrieb "Robert burner Schadek" <>:

> On Wednesday, 1 October 2014 at 14:24:52 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
> > Am Wed, 01 Oct 2014 12:49:29 +0000
> > schrieb "Robert burner Schadek" <>:
> >
> >> maybe I should add a disableGetSysTime switch
> >
> good pointer, but what about Win and Mac

Windows 2000 had some function that returns 4ms accurate time,
I hope it is implemented like CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE.
OS X ... oh well. Don't know. Just declare the "fast timer" a
hint, I guess. Like when you ask for anti-aliasing in OpenGL
and the implementation is free to decide if it can or want's
to deliver. So it turns into: "I need a sub-second
timestamp, but make it as fast as possible on the target OS".
Maybe some day Apple will copy CLOCK_REALTIME_FAST from

> >
> > If you disable time completely, what would the LogEntry
> > contain as the time stamp? SysTime.init?
> That was my first idea.


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