Am 02.10.2014 08:49, schrieb "Théo Bueno" <>":
On Wednesday, 1 October 2014 at 16:21:37 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Unfortunately, D developer room was rejected:

Like every year, we received quite a lot more proposals than we have
rooms at our disposal. Unfortunately, we were not able to schedule your
proposed room this year.

The list of accepted rooms can be found on our website. We hope you'll
agree that we have an interesting lineup despite the absence of the room
you proposed. If the content you intended to schedule in a dedicated
developer room fits in one of the accepted rooms, please submit it there
when the CFP is announced.

List of accepted developer rooms:

Don't know if something related to D may fit one of accepted devrooms.

The more surprising to me is that they scheduled a Smalltalk room.

Smalltalk is still heavily used in education thanks to Squeak and Pharo.

Not to mention the research papers that every now and then come out regarding how to improve JIT in dynamic languages or doing source control in image based systems.

FOSDEM has been hosting Smalltalk for quite a few years now.


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