On Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 15:29:17 UTC, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:
sure, i'm not a guru and just talking about personal expirience here. i found myself much more productive after throwing interacteve debuggers
out of the window. ;-)

Debugging preferences are very personal, I would think so. :-)

The first time I used an interactive source level debugger was in the late 80s using Turbo Pascal, I thought it was magically great, like a revelation! My reference was writing assembly and using a monitor/disassembler to debug… Source level debugging was quite a step up!

But I agree that debuggers can be annoying, reconfiguring them is often more troublesome than just adding some printf() hacks. I find them indispensable when I am really stuck though: "duh, I have spent 15 minutes on this, time to fire up the debugger".

In environments like javascript/python I often can find the problem just as fast by just using the interactive console if the code is written in a functional style.

The more global state you have and the less functional your style is, the more useful a debugger becomes IMO.

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