On Sun, 5 Oct 2014 17:44:31 +0200
Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> From that I conclude, that File() should open files by ubyte[]
> exclusively to be POSIX compliant.
and yet there is currently no way in hell to open file with non-utf8
name with hardcoded name and without ugly hacks with File("..."). and
ubyte will not help here, as D has no way to represent non-utf8 string
literal without unmaintainable shit like "\xNN".

and speaking about utf-8: for strings we at least have a hack, and for
shebangs... nothing. nada. ничего. locale settings? other encodings? who
needs that, there CAN'T be non-utf8 shebangs. OS interoperability? it's
overhyped, there is only two kinds of OSes: those which are D-compatible
and bad. changing your locale to non-utf8 magically turns your OS to
bad, D will not try to interoperate with it anymore.

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