On 09/10/2014 10:15 pm, "Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d" <
digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
>> Debugging, ldc (for windows), and editor integrations (auto complete,
>> navigation, refactoring tools) are my impersonal (and hopefully
>> non-controversial) short list. They trump everything else I've
> I don't know how well DCD works with other editors, but in Emacs at least
(when DCD doesn't throw an exception, I need to chase those down),
autocomplete and code navigation just work. _Including_ dub dependencies.

I haven't found a way to make use of dub yet; all my projects involve other
languages too.
Also, I'm a primary windows user, so I haven't tried DCD to any great
Alexander's auto complete is getting better, but it still gets easily
confused, and the refactor and navigation tools are still basically missing.

I feel like it would all be much easier if dmd was a lib that tooling could
make use of. It seems like a lot of redundant effort to rewrite the
language parser over and over when dmd already does it perfectly...

Dan Murphy seemed to think ddmd would have some focus on usage as a lib?

>> The debugging experience is the worst of any language I've used since the
>> 90's, and I would make that top priority.
> Debugging can definitely be improved on. Even with Iain's fork of gdb I
end up using writeln instead because it's frequently easier.

Iain's work doesn't help on windows sadly. But I think the biggest problem
is the local scope doesn't seem to be properly expressed in the debug info.
It's a compiler problem more than a back end problem. The step cursor is
all over the shop, and local variables alias each other and confuse the
debugger lots. Also I can't inspect the contents of classes.

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