On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 21:10:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Const works differently in D than in C++, and this doesn't change that. First off,

I think it's rather unfortunate that D used keywords from C++ for things that work differently. const in particular but struct and class cause confusion and bickering too. Think of all the hours spent on this newsgroup arguing about logical const. If D's const were called something else like readonly nobody would be trying to shoehorn logical const into it and calls for logical const would have been discussed without having to pit two features against each other for a single spot in the language.

Another is char for utf-8 code units. So many people assume a char is a character when it's actually only sometimes a character by coincidence. If it had a different name like utf8_unit people would probably write more unicode correct code naturally.

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