I've been spot checking parts of phobos today to see what all isn't @safe ready. I'm not shocked that Array isn't, but doesn't it need to be?

For instance, not even the most basic of uses works:

$ git diff -U5
diff --git a/std/container/array.d b/std/container/array.d
index 4a1bfb4..2672bc6 100644
--- a/std/container/array.d
+++ b/std/container/array.d
@@ -826,11 +826,11 @@ $(D r)
         length = offset1 + tailLength;
         return this[length - tailLength .. length];

+@safe unittest
     Array!int a;

==> std/container/array.d(833): Error: safe function 'std.container.array.__unittestL831_1' cannot call system function 'std.container.array.Array!int.Array.~this'

I know it's a tricky implementation, but let's focus on the goal.. should Array be usable in @safe code?

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