On Tuesday, 14 October 2014 at 01:47:10 UTC, Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d wrote:
That's why I asked the question I did. The core question isn't about what the current implementation is or does but about where it should end up. Should Array be usable in @safe code.

Well, I think it goes without saying that every piece of interface that is memory safe should be @safe. Granted, for abstract interfaces, like the range and container concepts, or virtual functions in classes and `interface`'s, some care is needed to determine whether or not memory safety should be a requirement, but for concrete implementations like `Array` we should provide the strongest guarantees possible.

To elaborate on my thinking for my previous reply: I don't know if Array's interface in its entirety is memory safe (element access looks murky, as was pointed out), but construction is definitely a memory safe part of it; so yes, I think there's work to be done here, and to that end, the safety of `RefCounted` has to be considered first. My initial thoughts are that at least construction of `RefCounted` should also be memory safe.

@safe vs @trusted is a red herring, it's just a matter of whether memory safety is automatically or manually checked.

(That said, the trap here is to disregard @safe because of current implementation deficits and just *assume* memory safety without proper checking and applying @trusted everywhere as a stop-gap measure. Just because it's clear that the interface is SafeD doesn't mean the implementation is (yet), and this is what minimized @trusted helps figure out. For example - although I'm not sure if it technically violates SafeD - if malloc signals OOM in Array.this, the code will steam ahead and try to emplace elements at an offset from null. Just applying @trusted and moving on would not catch cases like this.)

I don't think it's true that @safe is an afterthought for new code. New generic code uses @safe unit tests to test safe-readiness, and new non-generic code without regard for attributes is also pointed out in review. The problem with attributes is overwhelmingly with old code, not new code.

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