On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 08:38:12 UTC, Paulo  Pinto wrote:
As an outsider, I think D would be better by having only defined behaviors.

Actually, this is the first thing I would change about D and make it less dependent on x86. I think a system level language should enable max optimization on basic types and rather inject integrity tests for debugging/testing or support debug-exceptions where available.

The second thing I would change is to make whole program analysis mandatory so that you can deduce and constrain value ranges. I don't believe the argument about separate compilation and commercial needs (and even then augmented object code is a distinct possibility). Even FFI is not a great argument, you should be able to specify what can happen in a foreign function.

It is just plain wrong to let integers wrap by default in an accessible result. That is not integer behaviour. The correct thing to do is to inject overflow checks in debug mode and let overflow in results (that are accessed) be undefined. Otherwise you end up giving the compiler a difficult job:

uint y=x+1;
if (x < y){…}

Should be optimized to:


In D (and C++) you would get:

if (x < ((x+1)&0xffffffff)){…}

As a result you are encouraged to use signed int everywhere in C++, since unsigned ints use modulo-arithmetic. Unsigned ints in C++ are only meant for bit-field stuff. And the C++ designers admit that the C++ library is ill-specified because it uses unsigned ints for integers that cannot be negative, while that is now considered a bad practice…

In D it is even worse since you are forced to use a fixed size modulo even for int, so you cannot do 32 bit arithmetic in a 64 bit register without getting extra modulo operations.

So, "undefined behaviour" is not so bad, as long as you qualify it. You could for instance say that overflow on ints leads to an unknown value, but no other side effects. That was probably the original intent for C, but compiler writers have taken it a step further…

D has locked itself to Pentium-style x86 behaviour. Unfortunately it is very difficult to have everything be well-defined in a low level programming language. It isn't even obvious that a byte should be 8 bits, although the investments in creating UTF-8 resources on the Internet probably has locked us to it for the next 100 years… :)

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