On Sun, 19 Oct 2014 10:06:31 +0100, eles <eles...@gzk.dot> wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at 14:42:30 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
On Thu, 09 Oct 2014 09:50:44 +0100, Martin Nowak <c...@dawg.eu> wrote:
Would this affect your code?

Probably, but I have no D code of any size to care about.

Would this change make you to write more code in D?

No.  The blockers for me are:

1- We're not likely to use D here at work any time soon. We're writing new stuff in C#/Java and we maintain legacy C/C++.

2- For my own projects I typically write windows GUI programs and D is no where near C# for this.

3- Last time I tried to write anything non-GUI of a substantial nature I was annoyed by the fact that I could not mixin virtual methods (which I know is a tough problem and waaay down the priority list if at all). It's a silly reason to be put off, I know, it was just disappointing and enough to put the brakes on and I just drifted off after that.

4- TBH I don't have enough free time or motivation to do more, it's not you (D) it's me :P


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