On Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 07:18:28 UTC, ROOAR wrote:
So the latest Minecraft apparently runs really really poorly because of the GC.

And it is running on Java desktop. The supposedly "fast" GC of Java can't handle the game anymore--


Take that GC fanatics

 D needs more action you know.

I don't think the question is whether or not GC is inherently good or bad. The question is what does your application need? If it can live happily with GC, then use GC. If, however, you have a real-time application, where you cannot afford it, avoid it (or at least avoid zillions of new allocations every second).

I suppose part of the problem with the Java code you mentioned is that people use textbook "best practices" that look good on paper but can be very inefficient in reality. But this is not really the language's / GC's fault. If people write dull and unimaginative code to the point where the product becomes useless, there is something wrong with the company's culture. I've seen poorly written, inefficient C code too.

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