What's the best way of emulating a system of quantified type unions in D  (D1)?

By type unions (sometimes called algebraic sums in the literature), I don't 
mean the C/C++ "union" facility.

Suppose there is some class X, I'd like to have a first class type for 
representing the following quantified types (using RegExp notation):
X?  zero or one instances of an X  (call this type XQ)
X a single instance of X
X* zero or more instances of X  (call this type XS)
X+ at least one X (call this type XP)

To unify the whole thing, now let X, XQ, XS and XP all be derived from a common 
base type T.

Note that Scala has the Option, Some and None classes which kind of handles 
(but not exactly) the XQ case.

Brendan Eich, JavaScript inventor, apparently has suggested type unions for 
that language.  Some FP languages also have type systems that support type 


"Type Unions
Brendan thinks we should have some ability for type unions in the language.

var x : Number | Null

It would be good to have something like this because otherwise developers end 
up enforcing their invariants on their own, with the potential for buggy code."

As always, thanks for all replies.

Justin Johansson

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