Walter Bright:

I don't see the use cases, in mine or other code.
Designing a language feature around printf is a mistake.

I agree. Let's talk about other use cases.

I've considered the feature, and looked at code. It just doesn't happen very often.

I have written plenty of D code (perhaos 240 thousand lines so far) and I've seen several cases where the ideas I've suggested can be useful.

If you define a rangedInt struct:

void main() {
    alias I10 = rangedInt!(int, 0, 10);
    I10[] arr = [1, 5, 12, 3];

My ideas should be able to spot the bug in that array literal at compile-time. Ada2012 is able to do the same. Currently D can't do that.

The same is possible with other values, including complex ones as kinds of game data. If I define a finite state machine the enum precondition is able to spot malformed machines at compile time. I am able to give you more usage examples on request.

It happens often enough to justify a similar feature in Ada2012. (This is the main point of this whole discussion. The other parts of this answer are less important).

All features have a cost/benefit to them. The costs are never zero. Laying on more and more features of minor benefit will destroy the language, and even you won't use it.

I agree. But freezing D design is not a good idea. (Note: so far I don't care for C++ interoperativity much. And I think the a good way to face GC-derived problems is to introduce memory ownership tracking in the type system).

Oh come on. writefln is typesafe and will not crash.

It shows bugs at runtime, where they can be avoided (turning them to compile time ones) at essentially no cost for the programmer. For me this is a broken/unacceptable design (and I'm saying this since years. Glad to see Rust people agree. I think this is an example of this phenomenon: in the programming language design world).

You could also write:

   formattedwrite!"the format string %s %d"(args ...)

if you like. The fact that nobody has bothered to suggests that it doesn't add much value over writefln().

Plenty of people have bothered, there's an implementation.

It does some flow analysis based on previous bounds checks.

I didn't know this. I'll need to do some experiments :-)

On the other hand we could argue that bit flags are a sufficiently different purpose to justify an annotation (as in C#) or a Phobos struct (like for the bitfields) that uses mixin that implements them (there is a pull request for
Phobos, but I don't know how much good it is).

More annotations => more annoyance for programmers. Jonathan Blow characterizes this as "friction" and he's got a very good point. Programmers have a limited tolerance for friction, and D must be very careful not to step over the line into being a "bondage and discipline" language that nobody uses.

The annotation is used only once at the definition point of the flags. So the "annotation" here is essentially a way to tell the compiler that you don't want a regular enumeration, but a flags. It's like having two different language constructs, enums and flags. So it's a way to offer the programmer a chance to express intent and make the code more expressive/readable. And this allows to make the semantics of enums more strict. It's a win-win-win situation. The real downside is increased language complexity, but as I explained in past, well designed clean features are not the main source of complexity. And formalizing a programmer idiom is often not a bad idea.

I don't buy the notion that more complex is better. Simple and effective is the sweet spot.

I am not asking for ML-style modules in D. But ML modules aren't complex for free, they introduce important qualities in ML language and its "generics".

It is not suboptimal.
D is at a reasonable optimum point for this.

In my opinion it has some faults. I am not alone with this opinion. So I think it's not at the optimum.

There are lot of tradeoffs with this, and it has been discussed extensively.

I agree, but the situation is not improving much so far. I see mostly stasis on this.

The implication that this is thoughtlessly thrown together against all reason is just not correct.

I didn't say D implicit casts are randomly designed :-) I said that they are currently not very good or the best possible.

I think the size casting that loses bits is still regarded as safe.
It is memory safe.

Probably that's why there are two kind of casts in Haskell.


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