On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 03:29:05 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I have considerable experience with what programs can do when continuing to run after a bug. This was on real mode DOS, which infamously does not seg fault on errors.

It's AWFUL. I've had quite enough of having to reboot the operating system after every failure, and even then that often wasn't enough because it might scramble the disk driver code so it won't even boot.

Yep.  Fun stuff.


I got into the habit of layering in asserts to stop the program when it went bad. "Do not pass go, do not collect $200" is the only strategy that has a hope of working under such systems.

The tough thing is that in D, contracts serve as this early warning system, but the errors this system catches are also sometimes benign and sometimes the programmer knows that they're benign, but if the person writing the test did so with an assert then the decision of how to respond to the error has been made for him.

It is my duty to explain how to use the features of the language correctly, including how and why they work the way they do. The how, why, and best practices are not part of a language specification.

I don't entirely agree. The standard library serves as the how and how and best practices for a language, and while a programmer can go against this, it's often like swimming upstream. For better or worse, we need to establish how parameters are validated and such in Phobos, and this will serve as the template for nearly all code written in D.

The core design goal of Druntime is to make the default behavior as safe as possible, but to allow to discerning user to override this behavior in certain key places. I kind of see the entire D language like this--it has the power of C/C++ but the ease of use of a much higher level language. We should strive for all aspects of the language and standard library to have the same basic behavior: a safe, efficient default but the ability to customize in key areas to meet individual needs. The trick is determining what these key areas are and how much latitude the user should have.

If D changes assert() to do unwinding, then D will become unusable for building reliable systems until I add in yet another form of assert() that does not.

To be fair, assert currently does unwinding. It always has. The proposal is that it should not.

The reason I initiated this thread is to point out the correct way to use assert() and to get that into the culture of best practices for D. This is because if I don't, then in the vacuum people will tend to fill that vacuum with misunderstandings and misuse.

It is an extremely important topic.

I still feel like there's something really important here that we're all grasping at but it hasn't quite come to the fore yet. Along the lines of the idea that a @safe program may be able to recover from a logic error. It seems like a uniquely D thing insofar as systems languages are concerned.

If the operating system can't handle resource recovery for a process terminating, it is an unusable operating system.

There are all kinds of resources, and not all of them are local to the system. Everything will eventually recover though, it just won't happen immediately as is the case with resource cleanup within a process.

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