On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 21:29:20 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
Again untested:

private alias makePredicate(alias xtr) =
    (a, b) => (extractorFun!xtr(a) < extractorFun!xtr(b));

This errors as

sort_ex.d(35,43): Error: basic type expected, not (
sort_ex.d(35,43): Error: function declaration without return type. (Note that constructors are always named 'this') sort_ex.d(35,50): Error: semicolon expected to close alias declaration
sort_ex.d(35,50): Error: Declaration expected, not '=>'

auto sortBy(extractors..., R)(R r) {
    alias preds = staticMap!(makePredicate, extractors);
    return r.sort!preds;

and this as

sort_ex.d(37,6): Error: template sort_ex.sortBy(xtors..., R)(R r) template tuple parameter must be last one

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