since you didn't get an answer.

you can turn off threads and processes to aid debugging:

StartServers 1
ServerLimit 1

With this configuration, only one process will be started, with no additional processes ever being created. The WSGI environment key/value pairs indicating how processes and threads are being used will for this configuration be as follows.

wsgi.multithread        False
wsgi.multiprocess       False

In effect, this configuration has the result of serialising all requests through a single process. This will allow an interactive browser based debugger to be used, but may prevent more complex WSGI applications which make use of AJAX techniques from working. This could occur where a web page initiates a sequence of AJAX requests and expects later requests to be able to complete while a response for an initial request is still pending. In other words, problems may occur where requests overlap, as subsequent requests will not be able to be executed until the initial request has completed.
although obviously that is not a solution to your problem, it might help pinpoint it.

did you try tracking init state in your library and have entry points call D runtime if not already initialized?

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