AFAIU, even if you had a getter in the alias this:

import std.stdio;

struct ValueRestrictedInteger(int lowerBound, int upperBound) {
  int value;
  auto ref get() { return value; }      
  alias get this;

  this (int rhs) { value = rhs; }

  invariant() {
    assert (value >= lowerBound && value <= upperBound);

  void forDemonstrationOnly() {}

It would still not work:

unittest {
  ValueRestrictedInteger!(0, 100) x = 0;

  x -= 100; //is probably lowered to something like this:
  // 1) invariant();
  // 2) int* __temp = &x.value; // this is what get() does
  // 3) invariant();
  // 4) *__temp = *temp - 100;


Obviously, 4) will not trigger the invariant because it doesn't call any public functions.

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