== Quote from Jacob Carlborg (d...@me.com)'s article
> Is it supposed to possible to mixin a constructor? The code below
> doesn't compile. The error: is "main.d(23): Error: constructor
> main.A.this() does not match parameter types (int)
> main.d(23): Error: expected 0 arguments, not 1"
> template C ()
> {
>       this (int i)
>       {
>       }
> }
> class A
> {
>       mixin C;
>       this ()
>       {
>       }
> }
> void main ()
> {
>       auto a = new A(3);
> }

I'm not sure exactly why this example doesn't work, but it looks like a bug.
Please file.  If you just want to insert a bunch of boilerplate without any
parameters, you probably should try a string mixin instead.  The following does 

enum string C = q{
    this (int i) {


class A {

    this () {


void main () {
    auto a = new A(3);

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