On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 13:29:00 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
Unfortunately for your sanity, this isn't going to happen. Similarly unlikely is multiple pointer types, which Walter has repeatedly shot down. I'd suggest bringing it back up if and when discussion of D3 begins in earnest.

D needs to start to focus on providing an assumption free system level programming language that supports the kind of modelling done for system level programming.

I am not sure if adding templates to D was a good idea, but now that you have gone that route to such a large extent, you might as well do it wholesale with better support for templated SYSTEM programming would make sense. Make it your advantage. (including deforesting/common subexpression substitution, constraints systems etc)

As an application level programming language D stands no chance. More crutches and special casing will not make D a system level programming language. Neither does adding features designed for other languages geared towards functional programming (which is the antithesis of system level programming).

Yes, it can be done using a source to source upgrade tool.

No, attribute inference is not a silver bullet, it means changes to libraries would silently break applications.

Yes, function signatures matters. Function signatures are contracts, they need to be visually clear and the semantics have to be easy to grok.

No, piling up low hanging fruits that are not yet ripe is not a great way to do language design.

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