Am Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:39:22 +0000
schrieb "FrankLike" <>:

> Many old projects need move from x86 to x64,but the 'length' type 
> is size_t,it will change on x64,so a lot of work must to do.but I 
> find some info which is help for d:
> it means:
>    test length and longlength, and found 'test longlength' is  
> slower than 'test length'.
>    0.64 ns   Length
>    2.55 ns   LongLength
> I love D.So I don't want my app on x64 slower than on x86.
> Hope change in 2.067.
> Thank you all.

No, you will not get 'int' instead of 'size_t' in 2.067
because a dubious showed you it is faster. In fact when you
write the code like this and use 1000 times more iterations to
get a reading at all, it looks like this:

import std.stdio;
import std.datetime;

alias ℕ = size_t;

void ada()
        foreach (ℕ i; 0 .. 1_000_000_000) {}

void main()
        StopWatch sw;
        writefln("time is: %s secs", sw.peek().msecs/1000.0);

And prints 0.461 secs for both
dmd -m32 -boundscheck=off -release -inline -O
dmd -m64 -boundscheck=off -release -inline -O
on my laptop.

When I change 'ada' to:

ℕ ada()
        ℕ v;
        foreach (ℕ i; 0 .. 1_000_000_000)
                v = i+i;
        return v;

the -m64 version becomes a lot slower (0.731 secs) compared to
the -m32 version (which stays at 0.461 secs). That does not
have to do with size_t though: If I change the definition of ℕ
to uint or int in the 64-bit version it stays slow. It is just
a difference in the generated code for the loop that makes the
64-bit version generally 270 ms slower.

Now to get some more interesting numbers let's chose an
operation that is inherently O(n) in regards to bit-width:

ℕ ada()
        ℕ v;
        foreach (ℕ i; 1 .. 1_000_000_001)
                v = i/i;
        return v;

alias ℕ = ulong: 17.07 secs
alias ℕ = uint:   5.80 secs
alias ℕ = int:    5.53 secs

The differences for uint and int are compiler dependent. With
LDC uint is faster than int by a similar amount.


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