On 11/28/2014 7:42 PM, Mike wrote:
Walter, I want you to know, that I love D.  It is an awesome language with
enormous potential.  But it needs to break with a few of the decisions from the
past (very few, but significant), and follow through on a few things (like the
scope ref proposals).  IMO, it's *almost* there.  If I(we) can ever get it
there, it will likely be the last language I ever use.

Actually, we've (myself and 3 others) been hard at work preparing a scope ref proposal. It isn't quite ready to present yet. I agree it is of major importance. It will also slightly break some code, but we have a plan for dealing with that to make it as painless as possible. I believe that scope ref is a big enough win to justify it.

What I don't agree with are changing names of things that just cause needless frustration, and are, as I tactlessly put it, an illusion of progress.

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