On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:37:51AM +0000, bearophile via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Walter Bright:
> >On 11/28/2014 3:50 PM, bearophile wrote:
> >>I agree. D has to come back to the living. It looks like D is
> >>hibernating.
> >
> >I have no idea what you're talking about.
> In the last several years the development of D/Phobos didn't keep a
> constant speed (and this is normal), I have seen sprints, slowdowns,
> etc.
> In the latest months I'm seeing a reduction of activity both on the
> language side, on the fixing and merging of important Phobos patches,
> and even regarding the number of interesting discussions in the main D
> newsgroup.

Huh??! I *really* don't know what you're talking about, because in the
last few months, I've seen a dramatic *increase* in Phobos activity.
We've seen the PR queue shrink from 95+ to the mid 30's within 1-2
months, and recently there's been a whole bunch of PR's that got merged
(Ilya's import cleanups, for example, span almost all of Phobos and got
merged within days of each submission), plus a bunch of new features
coming in so fast that the queue is growing again since the committers
haven't been able to keep up with the pace. There has been Igor's
extremely critical work on finally prepping the AA implementation to be
implementable in the library, which is almost reaching its final stages
now. If anything, I'd say D is waking up, rather than hibernating!

Judging language progress by forum discussions is unreliable... if
anything, in *my* experience there's a rather low S/N ratio on the forum
in terms of what actually gets done. Perhaps more people have clued in
to the fact that asking for things on the forums doesn't work so well,
and have started to submit PR's instead? ;-)

> Or perhaps I'm just mis-measuring the kind of D activity, and
> everything is going on as well as usual :-)

How are you measuring D activity? Forum activity is unreliable. Did you
look at github commit statistics?


Too many people have open minds but closed eyes.

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