On Monday, 1 December 2014 at 11:52:04 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Monday, December 01, 2014 11:21:23 bearophile via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

Right, sorry, I meant disabled.  But I don't like to keep those
things disabled permanently, they eventually should be removed.

I agree. I do think that we should strive for stability and
backwards compatibility, but if we're getting rid of something,
then I think that we should actually get rid of it at some
point. That's part of why we have the deprecation process that
we have.

Thinking along these lines, would it be possible to have something like a deprecation module (core.deprecations?) that you can import (temporarily) for updating old code? At the very least, it seems it would be possible to alias and warn with pragma for some changed names, and error at compile time with an informative message otherwise.

Maybe feed it a version the project last built with to narrow what changes might be. In a more magical future, the compiler might automatically import it with a switch and obviate the need for manually changing files, or tools could be built to use it finding trouble spots and automated updates (more for dfix, I suppose).


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