Walter Bright:

This seems acceptable only if the compiler switch "-scope" implies functions to be @safe by default and @system on request, because currently lot of D programmers don't apply annotations like @safe to their D code. Opt-in safety doesn't work well (and in D we still have the problems caused by null pointers and references).

Safety by default is outside of the sco[pe (!) of this discussion. Also, you can merely put:


at the beginning of a module and it is now all safe.

I agree that @system code should allow to circumvent the part of the type system that enforces the scoping (this happens in Rust too) (but perhaps this has to happen only on scopes that gets inferred and not the ones specified explicitly).

Perhaps you can't leave the "@safe on default" issue out of the DIP69. Currently most D code I see around is not tagged with @safe. If people don't bother applying that annotation, all the work you will do to implement DIP69 will be wasted or partially wasted.


From your answer to H. S. Teoh:

Are there bug reports on this?

I and other people have opened several bug reports on @safe, some of them are (but others are present, this is a subset):

Some examples of the problems (but there are also opposite problems, like in Issue 6646):

void main() @safe {
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.bigint, std.typecons, std.array;
    [1, 2].sort!("a < b", SwapStrategy.stable);
    auto r = [1, 2].sort().release;
    BigInt a;
    a = a + a;
    alias Foo = Tuple!int;
    Foo[] data;
    data.remove!(x => x == Foo());
    int[] b;
    auto c = b.capacity;
    b.schwartzSort!(x => x);
    const r2 = cartesianProduct([1], [1]).array;

Output, dmd 2.067alpha:

test.d(3,11): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'std.algorithm.sort!("a < b", cast(SwapStrategy)2, int[]).sort' test.d(4,25): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'std.range.SortedRange!(int[], "a < b").SortedRange.release' test.d(5,5): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'std.stdio.writeln!().writeln' test.d(7,9): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'std.bigint.BigInt.opBinary!("+", BigInt).opBinary' test.d(10,9): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'test.main.remove!((x) => x == Foo(), cast(SwapStrategy)2, Tuple!int[]).remove' test.d(12,15): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'object.capacity!int.capacity' test.d(13,6): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'test.main.schwartzSort!((x) => x, "a < b", cast(SwapStrategy)0, int[]).schwartzSort' test.d(14,42): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'std.array.array!(Result).array' test.d(15,21): Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'std.array.array!(Typedef!(int, 0, null)[]).array'


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