On Fri, Dec 05, 2014 at 03:39:07AM +0200, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> also, it's worth noting that Delphi's IFDEF/ENDIF completely ignores
> everything inbetwee if condition is false, but D `version` and `static
> if` requires ignored code to be correct D code nevertheless.

That's not completely true. All that's required is that the code can be
parsed successfully. It can be semantically nonsense and the compiler
wouldn't care, for example this will compile, even though it's complete

        version(none) {
                NonExistentType x = nonExistentVar;
                static assert(0);
                NoType YesParsingStillContinuesHere()(z = y+w ? 1 : "")
                        if (is(a == b)) // a and b are nonsense symbols
                in { static assert(0); }
                body {
                        gar(bage) = hahaha(cast(el)ation);
                pragma(no, such, __trait(nonsense));


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