On Friday, 5 December 2014 at 21:21:49 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Friday, 5 December 2014 at 20:32:54 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
I agree. It's not just about conservation of resources and power, though. It's also about maximizing the utility of our assets and
extending our reach.

If I were a business and I invested $10,000 in servers, wouldn't I want to maximize the amount of computation I can get from these servers
before I need to shell out money for more servers?

Those $10,000 in servers is a small investment compared to the cost of the inhouse IT department to run them… Which is why the cloud make sense. Why have all that unused capacity inhouse (say >90% idle over 24/7) and pay someone to make it work, when you can put it in the cloud where you get load balancing, have a 99,999% stable environment and can cut down on the IT staff?

There are also certain large computational problems that basically need every last drop of juice you can get in order to have any fighting
chance to solve them.

Sure, but then you should run it on SIMD processors (GPUs) anyway. And if you only run a couple of times a month, it still makes sense to run it on more servers using map-reduce in the cloud where you only pay for CPU time.

The only situation where you truly need dedicated servers is where you have real time requirements, a constant high load or where you need a lot of RAM because you cannot partition the dataset.

Big simulations still benefit from dedicated clusters. Good performance often requires uniformly extremely low latencies between nodes, as well as the very fastest in distributed storage (read *and* write).

P.S. GPUs are not a panacea for all hpc problems. For example, rdma is only a recent thing for GPUs across different nodes. In general there is a communication bandwidth and latency issue: the more power you pack in each compute unit (GPU or CPU or whatever), the more bandwidth you need connecting them.

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