On 12/3/14 8:00 AM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
I'm finding it harder and harder to accept Walter's stance that symbol
lookups should be kept simple and free from complications and convoluted
corner cases, etc.. Except that it is*already*  full of convoluted
pitfalls and corner cases you must avoid, as illustrated above. I wish
we would just acknowledge that the current symbol lookup / import rules
(or at least the implementation thereof) are inadequate, and find a
clean solution to this long-standing issue, instead of hoping that
denying the problem will somehow, magically, make it all go away.

I agree we need to take a closer look at name lookup now that local imports are becoming more popular. This may be one of those cases in which simpler language rules transfer complexity to the user.


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