I want to do bounds checking of 2 (4 on avx) ulongs (64-bit) at a time.

ulong2 vval = [v0, v1];
ulong2 vlow = [low, low];
ulong2 vhigh = [high, high];

int res = PMOVMSKB(vval >= vlow & vval < vhigh);

I figured out sort of a solution, but it seems way too complicated, because there is only signed comparison.

Usually (scalar) I'd use this, which makes use of unsigned wrap to safe one conditional

immutable size = cast(ulong)(vhigh - vlow);
if (cast(ulong)(v0 - vlow) < size) {}
if (cast(ulong)(v1 - vlow) < size) {}


if (v0 >= vlow && v0 < vhigh) {}

Maybe this can be used on SIMD too (saturated sub or so)?


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